Better batteries are key to using electricity in a lower carbon future, with applications in transport, industrial and domestic consumers. Research today aims to make them efficient, cheap, reliable and recyclable; Professor Emma Kendrick from the University of Birmingham outlines some recent developments regarding the manufacture of sodium- and lithium-ion batteries
Emma Kendrick is Professor of Energy the University of Birmingham. Prior to that, she was a Reader in Electrochemical Energy Materials at the Energy Innovation Centre, Warwick Manufacturing Group. She has over 10 years' industrial research experience in new battery technology development with 70 papers and 21 patent family applications to her name. Her recent book chapter on Advanced Battery manufacturing is being published by the UUֱ. She has been on many EPSRC industry advisory boards, and is currently functional material specialist on the physical science SAT for EPSRC, Committee member for the Energy Group at IoM3 and the Materials Division Council at the UUֱ of Chemistry.
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