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International Symposium of Materials Horizons

2 - 4 June 2017, Beijing, China



This international symposium will bring together international researchers from across the breadth of materials science in order to promote communication for the advancement of interdisciplinary materials science research. The symposium will be held in the campus of the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS), Beijing, China, from lunchtime on Friday 2nd June to lunchtime on Sunday 4th June.
This symposium is co-organized by the UU裸聊直播 of Chemistry and the ICCAS, and chaired by Prof Deqing Zhang, Prof Lanqun Mao, Prof. Seth Marder. The journal Materials Horizons (2015 IF=9.095), a flagship journal in this field published by the UU裸聊直播 will also be present and promoted in this symposium.


The symposium is organized into 3 themes run in two parallel sessions, with two poster sessions to allow maximum participation of all delegates. Four Plenary Lecturers will talk across the scope of the conference, while 10 Keynote Speakers will set the scene for different aspects of the 3 topics, supported by nearly 30 contributed talks.


The themes of the whole symposium include:
  • Materials for Energy & Sustainability
Topics: Photovoltaics; batteries; supercapacitors; fuel cells; thermoelectric materials; gas capture/ separation/ storage; catalysis; sustainable feedstocks
  • Materials for Biology & Medicine
Topics: Bioimaging, biosensors, drug delivery, gene delivery, stem cells, tissue engineering, scaffolds, biomimetics, biocompatibility, bioelectronics
  • Materials for Optics and Electronics
Topics: Photovoltaics, transistors, semi-conductors, thermoelectrics, plasmonics, LEDs, nonlinear optics, photonics, electro- and photochromics

Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is now open!

For poster authors
Please print your poster by yourself and bring it to the conference with you.
Poster Size: Width 90cm * Height 120cm, Portrait Orientation
Poster Number: Please find your poster number in the abstract book and locate the corresponding poster board and mount your poster accordingly

The Poster Prize Presentation will take place during the closing remarks.
Registration is now open!

Registration Fee
Registration fee Early Bird Standard
Non-member ¥2,200.00 ¥2,600.00
UU裸聊直播 Member ¥1,900.00 ¥2,300.00
Student Non-member ¥1,200.00 ¥1,600.00
UU裸聊直播 Student Member ¥1,000.00 ¥1,400.00

Registration includes
Attendance thought the conference and poster session
Conference materials, such as abstract book etc.
Refreshments throughout the meeting

Fapiao (Mainland-China-based delegates ONLY)

If you are based in Mainland China and need Fapiao, please pay registration fee by bank transfer as follows: 

1. 在注册网站正常注册 
2. 付款方式选择”invoice” 并点击“Complete Registration”.
3. 通过对公转账,将会议费转到以下账户。

账户名称:UU裸聊直播(北京) 化学科技咨询有限公司
  1. 如需发票抬头为学校/机构名称,请通过相应对公账户缴纳参会费用。如用个人账户汇款,我们只能开具个人抬头的发票。&苍产蝉辫;
  2. 汇款请务必写上会议名称和代表姓名&濒诲辩耻辞;2017惭贬/参会代表姓名”以便会务组将汇款到账的信息及时反馈给您。 因备注不清楚而造成的损失将由您个人来承担。
  3. 我单位开具的发票为增值税普通发票,发票内容为&濒诲辩耻辞;会议费”。 如需增值税专用发票,请联系我们 ChinaEvents@rsc.org. 
  4. 该费用包含参会费、餐费以及整套会议文件,不包含住宿与交通费用。
  5. 本单位收到款项后,将以电子邮件确认注册付款。
  6. 对于取消参会/人员变动:在标准注册截止日前取消,需收取注册费的25%作为手续费,在标准注册截止日之后取消,恕不退费。
  7. 发票领取方式:缴费完成后,请您下载并填写发票l领取回执单(Fapiao Request Form)并打印出来,会议现场凭填写好的发票领取回执单领取发票。 请您到会议现场先签到,再领取发票。

We offer grants of up to £800 to assist with travel expenses to participate at this meeting. These are available to members who are PhD students, postdocs within 10 years of completing their PhD and early career scientists (including technicians) within 10 years of leaving full time education. 

We also have a limited number of non-competitive travel grants of up to £200 for PhD and early career scientists travelling within their home country. These are assigned on a first come, first served basis.

Please note that we recommend you submit your application a minimum of three months before you need a decision. We will be unable to consider any applications received within 8 weeks of the start of the conference (7 April 2017)

Useful links

Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhongguancun North First Street 2, Beijing, 100190, China

Accommodation is NOT included in the registration fee. Please arrange your own accommodation and travel.

Contact information
China Events Team
UU裸聊直播 of Chemistry
5/F, South Block, Tower C,
Raycom InfoTech Park,
No. 2 Kexueyuan South Road, Zhongguancun, Haidian District,
100190, Beijing, China

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