Professor Harry Anderson FUUÂãÁÄÖ±²¥
Most of the problems that face society, such as climate change, shortages of resources or incurable diseases, can only be solved by chemistry in combination with other disciplines.
In organic chemistry, we can design molecules that may never have existed before and test whether they have the properties we expect. Professor Anderson’s research focuses on creating molecular compounds with unprecedented properties. This means learning how to synthesise them and how to change their molecular architectures to achieve a desired property.
Professor Anderson is particularly interested in large organic molecules that allow the flow of electrons over distances of several nanometres. His group has developed methods for creating molecular wire rings and is investigating whether these molecules behave like tiny rings of metal wire. They also work on the synthesis of new carbon allotropes, i.e. molecules such as C13, C16 and C18 that are made entirely from carbon. These small carbon molecules are too reactive to study under ambient conditions, so the group is developing strategies for making them more stable.
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