Event : UU裸聊直播 Bader awardee Professor David Procter, University of Manchester lecture NUI Galway Ireland http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/18006/UU裸聊直播%20Bader%20awardee%20Professor%20David%20Procter%2c%20University%20of%20Manchester%20lecture%20NUI%20Galway%20Ireland This is a feed for event : UU裸聊直播 Bader awardee Professor David Procter, University of Manchester lecture NUI Galway Ireland Thu, 26 Feb 2015 10:27:53 Z 18006 18006 http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/18006/UU裸聊直播%20Bader%20awardee%20Professor%20David%20Procter%2c%20University%20of%20Manchester%20lecture%20NUI%20Galway%20Ireland UU裸聊直播 Bader awardee Professor David Procter, University of Manchester lecture NUI Galway Ireland Event dates: 3 March 2015<br/>Event summary: Professor David Procter, will give a talk entitled "New methods for target synthesis: From metal-free cross-couplings to radical cyclization cascades" in NUI Galway on March 3rd<br/>Event Venue: National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, 0000, Ireland Thu, 26 Feb 2015 10:27:53 Z 2015-02-26T10:27:53Z