March 2009 Events in March 2009 Non UUֱ event Genome Instability and DNA Repair (C6) Event dates: 1 - 6 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Taos Convention Center, New Mexico, United States Non UUֱ event 20th Annual Workshop on Medical Communications: Past, Present and Future Event dates: 1 - 4 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Conference Highlights Ø Sunday, March 1 • Core Curriculum – In-depth discussions, case studies, roundtable discussions • Morning Tutorial – MSL Forum: Topics for field-based li<br/>Event Venue: Hilton Head Marriott Resort and Spa, Hilton Head Island, 29928, United States Non UUֱ event CANCELLED: Environmental Human Biomonitoring Event dates: 2 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The ability to detect chemical exposures currently exceeds the interpretation of risk from such exposures. This meeting will discuss current data and approaches.<br/>Event Venue: Society of Chemical Industry, London, SW1X 8PS, United Kingdom UUֱ event UUֱ Centenary Lecture: Nanoporous Capsules: Aesthetics and Multifunctionality in Harmony Event dates: 2 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Retired Members' Lunch -Mid-Southern Counties Section Event dates: 2 March 2009<br/>Event summary: A lunch will be held for retired members of the Section and their guests. The cost is £15.00 to include a sherry reception, 3-course lunch and wine<br/>Event Venue: Hotel Belvedere, Bournemouth, BH1 2EU, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Process Validation for Biologicals Event dates: 2 - 3 March 2009<br/>Event summary: IBC’s 13th International Process Validation for Biopharmaceuticals answers the question: What else can I gain out of my process validation activities and how do I perform them most effectively? In <br/>Event Venue: La Costa Resort and Spa, Carlsbad, CA, United States Non UUֱ event Outsourcing Manufacturing of Biopharmaceuticals Event dates: 2 - 3 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Outsourcing Manufacturing of Biopharmaceuticals will provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to consistently make the best outsourcing decisions in order to ensure quality and diminish ri<br/>Event Venue: La Costa Resort and Spa, Carlsbad, CA, United States Non UUֱ event Non-Antibody Protein Therapeutics Development & Production Event dates: 2 - 3 March 2009<br/>Event summary: IBC’s Non-Antibody Protein Therapeutics Development & Production conference covers development and production of molecules that do not benefit from the affinity characteristics of antibodies. You wi<br/>Event Venue: La Costa Resort and Spa, Carlsbad, CA, United States Non UUֱ event Antibody Development and Production Event dates: 2 - 3 March 2009<br/>Event summary: IBC’s Antibody Development & Production conference will help you evaluate the latest scientific and technical approaches to successfully accelerate the development of robust processes. It is regarde<br/>Event Venue: La Costa Resort and Spa, Carlsbad, CA, United States Non UUֱ event CHI’S The Greening of Pharma Event dates: 2 - 3 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This premier CHI Greening of BioPharma Conference creates a unique forum bringing together, in one place, BioPharmaceutical company Real Estate Executives, Engineers, and Laboratory and Manufacturin<br/>Event Venue: The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Boston, MA, United States Non UUֱ event Running and Interpretation of GC-MS spectra Event dates: 2 - 5 March 2009<br/>Event summary: PACN is organising an instrumentation workshop which will deal with the running and interpretation of GC-MS spectra. The workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Steve Lancaster, an analytical scientist <br/>Event Venue: Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya Non UUֱ event Technology Transfer for Biopharmaceuticals Event dates: 2 - 3 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Technology Transfer for Biopharmaceuticals is the industry’s only event that delivers best practices for optimizing every phase of the transfer process. Exclusive case studies will cover the entire <br/>Event Venue: La Costa Resort and Spa, Carlsbad, CA, United States Non UUֱ event Formulating Better Medicines for Children Event dates: 2 - 3 March 2009<br/>Event summary: ? To discuss issues surrounding the availability of age-appropriate formulations for the benefit of young patients. ? To provide a forum for delegates to reflect on formulation issues surrounding t<br/>Event Venue: Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Chemical Development & Scale-Up in the Fine Chemical & Pharmaceutical Industries Event dates: 3 - 5 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This ever popular training course for chemists and engineers in industry aims to discuss the most efficient methods for developing cheap, robust processes. It covers the principles of scale-up and d<br/>Event Venue: Rome, Italy Non UUֱ event Gases, their Physiological Effects and Medical Consequences - Followed by Local Section AGM Event dates: 3 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Swansea University, Swansea, SA2 8PP, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Chemistry Lecture: The Chemistry of Genome Maintenance Event dates: 3 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Biological Fuel Cells Event dates: 3 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Prof. Fraser Armstrong of Oxford University will describe his work in developing biological fuel cells.<br/>Event Venue: British School of Brussels, Tervuren, 3080, Belgium Non UUֱ event Shedding Light on Organometallic Alkane and Noble Gas Complexes and C-H Activation Using Fast Infrared Spectroscopy in Conventional and Supercritical Fluids Event dates: 3 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event UUֱ/SCI Lecture: Multi-phase catalysis in supercritical fluids Event dates: 3 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Lecture with Professor Martyn Poliakoff C.B.E<br/>Event Venue: Bangor University, Gwynedd, Bangor, LL57 2UW, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Fragments 2009 Event dates: 4 - 5 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The aim of the 2nd UUֱ – BMCS Fragment-Based Drug Discovery meeting will be to continue the focus on Case Studies in Fragment-Based Drug Discovery that have delivered compounds to late stage medicin<br/>Event Venue: AstraZeneca, Alderley Park, Cheshire, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Chemistry for Non-Specialists KS4 Event dates: 4 - 5 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This 4 day course is aimed at raising confidence and expertise in teaching Chemistry amongst non-specialist school science teachers.<br/>Event Venue: Copleston High School, Suffolk, IP4 5HD, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event UUֱ Centenary Lectureship: Nanoporous Capsules: Aesthetics and Mutlifunctionality in Harmony Event dates: 4 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event CANCELLED: Wheels within Wheels - Catalysing Catalysis Event dates: 4 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This lecture has been cancelled due to lack of speaker<br/>Event Venue: The University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, HD13DH, United Kingdom UUֱ event UUֱ Lord Lewis Prize Symposium Event dates: 4 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Robert, Professor Lord May of Oxford is the 2008 winner of the UUֱ Lord Lewis Prize. The Prize is awarded for distinctive and distinguished scientific achievements, together with significant contrib<br/>Event Venue: UUֱ, London, SW1Y 5AG, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event 2009 Environmental Chemistry Group Distinguished Guest Lecture and Symposium Event dates: 4 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The Future of Water - the scientific, financial & governmental drivers for water trading<br/>Event Venue: UUֱ of Chemistry, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event A consultation event on the Draft BS 8550 Guide to auditing of water quality sampling Event dates: 4 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The event is intended to present the background to the development of the standard and the results of field trials carried out prior to the publication of the draft for public comment. Feedback wil<br/>Event Venue: SCI (Society of Chemical Industry), London, SW1X 8PS, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Drugs from the deep Event dates: 4 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: University of Plymouth, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event CANCELLED: Drugs from the deep Event dates: 5 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Over 60% of the drugs we use today are derived from natural sources. The oceans, covering 70% of our planet, provide a rich source of new organisms which can be explored for their potential to prod<br/>Event Venue: University of Sheffield, Sheffield, S3 7HF, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event The reactivity of heme in biological systems. Event dates: 5 March 2009<br/>Event summary: A discussion of how heme groups modify their (organic) structure in various ways.<br/>Event Venue: University of Warwick, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event AGM UUֱAD Scottish Region Event dates: 5 March 2009<br/>Event summary: AGM followed by talk by Dr Steve Owens entitled Asteroid Impact and the End of the World, followed by wine reception<br/>Event Venue: University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Clinical trials directive: five years on Event dates: 5 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This symposium will review the experiences of the regulator, the industry and the end-user, as well as active QPs from pharmaceutical companies and an IMP outsource provider engaged in the provision<br/>Event Venue: Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, London, SE1 7JN, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event The CT Directive - 5 years on Event dates: 5 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, London, SE1 7JN, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Annual General Meeting Teesside Section Event dates: 6 March 2009<br/>Event summary: AGM will be followed by a short lecture with food and refreshments provided.<br/>Event Venue: Blackwell Grange Hotel, Darlington, DL3 8QH, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Chemistry of Fine Wines Event dates: 6 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Annual event of the Southumbria Section where a local wine expert is a speaker and takes the participants through the vinyards.<br/>Event Venue: Singleton Birch Limited, DN38 6AE, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Epigenetic Basis of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (X2) Event dates: 6 - 10 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Colorado, United States Non UUֱ event Traditional herbal medicines: opportunities and challenges in a changing regulatory environment Event dates: 6 March 2009<br/>Event summary: To update delegates on the scientific and applied progress in the area of herbal medicines - products that are widely used but under increasing regulatory scrutiny. To discuss research and develo<br/>Event Venue: Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, London, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring 2009 Event dates: 8 - 12 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Participate in the meeting where you'll connect with researchers from universities, military, funding agencies, and industry all together in one place.<br/>Event Venue: Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, United States Non UUֱ event Organometallic Chemistry Event dates: 8 - 11 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Zing Conferences offer a unique opportunity to network and forge new collaborations in a relaxed, informal environment.<br/>Event Venue: Jolly Beach Resort, Bolans Village, Antigua and Barbuda Non UUֱ event Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology Event dates: 8 - 11 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Topics: Microbial Cell Biology, Green Microbiology, Host-microbe Interaction, Sensory and Regulatory RNA, Applied Microbiology, Developmental Microbiology, Microbial Communities<br/>Event Venue: Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, 44801, Germany Non UUֱ event 24th Annual DIA DATA Conference and Exhibition: CLINICAL DATA LIFECYCLE Trial Design through Submission and Beyond Event dates: 9 - 11 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Multitrack Conference to Discuss Standards, Processes, and Infrastructure across the Clinical Data Lifecycle Learn the latest information in processing across the clinical data lifecycle, end-t<br/>Event Venue: Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Philadelphia, PA, 19107, United States Non UUֱ event SET for Britain Event dates: 9 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Dr Douglas Naysmith MP, Chairman of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, will sponsor an exhibition and reception in the House of Commons Terrace Marquee during National Science and Engineeri<br/>Event Venue: House of Commons Marquee, London, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Unlicensed medicines for the NHS in the 21st Century: Moving Practice Forward Event dates: 9 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Licensed medicines represent regulatory excellence in quality, safety and efficacy but there are circumstances when there is no licensed medicine which meets the clinical needs of a particular group<br/>Event Venue: The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, London, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event A Chemistry Crash! Bang! Spectacle Event dates: 9 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Sir John Nelthorpe Lower School, Brigg, DN20 8DS, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Synthetic Multifunctional Architectures: Ion Channels, Sensors and Photosynthesis Event dates: 9 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Cardiff University, School of Chemistry, Cardiff, CF10 3AT, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event CHI’S Drug Development Latin America Event dates: 9 - 10 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Hyatt Regency Miami, Miami, FL, United States Non UUֱ event Chemistry for Non-Specialists KS4 Event dates: 9 - 10 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This 4 day course is aimed at raising confidence and expertise in teaching Chemistry amongst non-specialist school science teachers.<br/>Event Venue: The Queen Katherine School, Cumbria, LA9 6PJ, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Colloids, Grains and Dense Suspensions: under Flow and under Arrest Event dates: 9 - 10 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Colloidal suspensions undergo Brownian diffusion that arrests at high density, remobilizing under flow. Slowly sheared non-Brownian particles (dry or in suspension) likewise show chaotic trajectorie<br/>Event Venue: The UUֱ, London, SW1Y 5AG, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Chemistry Quiz: The Finals Event dates: 10 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Finals of the WMCTC Chemistry Quiz for Yr 10/11 students<br/>Event Venue: University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event NIR Raw Material Investigation in the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Robust System or an Accident Waiting to Happen Event dates: 10 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Incorporates the AGM of the East Anglia Region of the Analytical Division<br/>Event Venue: Thomas Graham House, Cambridge, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Green Chemistry Event dates: 10 March 2009<br/>Event summary: ChemSoc guest lecture<br/>Event Venue: University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event CHI’S Electronic Data in Clinical Trials Event dates: 11 - 12 March 2009<br/>Event summary: New technology is available and being created everyday to make the collection, correction and assessment of data from clinical trials more efficient. How do you decide which technology to use and w<br/>Event Venue: Hyatt Regency Miami, Miami, FL, United States Non UUֱ event Advanced Aromatic Heterocyclic Chemistry Event dates: 11 - 13 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This course for industrial chemists covers the advanced principles of aromatic heterocyclic chemistry. Concentrating on a wide range of molecules with 1-4 heteroatoms (mainly nitrogen) their importa<br/>Event Venue: Basel, Switzerland Non UUֱ event JCF Spring Symposium Event dates: 11 - 14 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The main objective of this symposium is to offer young chemists an opportunity to present their scientific work from all areas of chemistry.<br/>Event Venue: University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, 45141, Germany Non UUֱ event UUֱ Award Symposium on Soft Materials Event dates: 11 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Featuring an UUֱ Interdisciplinary Award winner: Professor John Goodby<br/>Event Venue: University of York, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Retired Members Lunch Event dates: 11 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Bradleys Restaurant, Huddersfield, HD15BB, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event ECHA, REACH and the Researcher Event dates: 11 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Specially Invited Lecture hosted by the UUֱ Finland Section<br/>Event Venue: Lecture Room 2012 (2nd Floor) Biokeskus 2, Helsinki, Finland Non UUֱ event Energy from Waste and Biomass Event dates: 11 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This one day conference will take a broad brush look at the area of energy from waste and biomass. It will identify the waste sources and where they originate, the political and legislative drivers,<br/>Event Venue: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, SW1Y 5DB, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event UUֱ invited lecture: Organic Semiconductor Materials for Flexible Displays and Electronics Applications Event dates: 11 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G1 1XL, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Essex Section Annual General Meeting Event dates: 11 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Brentwood School, Brentwood, CM15 8AS, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Chemistry and Physics Research Seminar Event dates: 11 March 2009<br/>Event summary: 'Chemistry for Our Future: Problem-based and Context-Based Learning Resources for Chemistry at NTU and Beyond' by Dr Paul Martin<br/>Event Venue: Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, NG11 8NS, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Research Seminar - Diversity in Chemistry Event dates: 11 March 2009<br/>Event summary: A Research Seminar encompassing three diverse areas of research will be hosted by University College Cork.<br/>Event Venue: University College Cork, Ireland Non UUֱ event AGM Birmingham & West Midlands Local Section Event dates: 11 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The AGM will be followed by a lecture on the topic of Forensic Science and the evening will close with a buffet<br/>Event Venue: Ladywood Social Club, Birmingham, B16 8SY, United Kingdom Featured UUֱ event CANCELLED: Retired Members Lunch Event dates: 11 March 2009<br/>Event summary: A casual gathering for all retired members to mix and discuss UUֱ interest.<br/>Event Venue: Trout Hotel Cockermouth, Cockermouth, CA13 0EJ, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event GC & GC-MS Training Courses Event dates: 11 March 2009<br/>Event summary: 1-day Absolute Basics of GC & GC-MS Course. The what, why, where, when, and how of GC & GC-MS. For those absolute beginners to GC and GC-MS, who may not even know what a GC looks like, this will be <br/>Event Venue: Brussels, Brussels, Belgium Non UUֱ event Science and Energy Event dates: 11 March 2009<br/>Event summary: A series of 2 demonstration lectures for schoolchildren<br/>Event Venue: North East Wales Institute for Higher Education, Wrexham, LL11 2AW, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Our local chemical industry – gone yesterday, here tomorrow! Event dates: 12 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Since we have seen the shrinkage, closure and redevelopment of so many chemical factories, it is easy to get the impression that this industry is of the past than of the future, and many people may <br/>Event Venue: Catalyst Science Discovery Centre, WA8 0DF, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event The chemistry of oxygen sensing by humans and other animals Event dates: 12 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Humans along with all other animals need to respond to changes in oxygen availability. The lecture will describe the underlying oxygen sensing mechanism (that involves interesting chemistry) and sh<br/>Event Venue: University of Warwick, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event GC & GC-MS Training Courses Event dates: 12 March 2009<br/>Event summary: 1-day combined GC/GC-MS & LC/LC-MS for Research Training. For those doing MSc and PhDs, postdoc or laboratory research technicians, you may like to take advantage of this course.<br/>Event Venue: Brussels, Brussels, Belgium Non UUֱ event SMR Meeting on Current & Future Perspectives in Psychiatric Drug Discovery Event dates: 12 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This symposium brings together experts across the breadth of research and development in the field of psychiatric diseases, such as anxiety, depression and schizophrenia<br/>Event Venue: GlaxoSmithKline, Harlow, Essex, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event What Chemistry has done for me Event dates: 12 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Talks from Chemists about careers in chemistry. Part of Cambridge Science Week<br/>Event Venue: The UUֱ of Chemistry, Cambridge, CB4 0WF, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Delivering sustainable energy savings Event dates: 12 March 2009<br/>Event summary: We invite you to come and hear about how your company can financially benefit from adopting more sustainable energy practices on site including some information on pre-development funding available <br/>Event Venue: ABB Engineering, Daresbury Park, Warrington, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event UUֱ Sir Christopher Ingold Lecture: What Can a Physical Chemist contribute to the Mitigation of Climate Change? Event dates: 12 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The various approaches that have been suggested for reducing the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration - CO2 capture or the replacement of fossil-fuel combustion by wind, tidal, solar, or nuclear<br/>Event Venue: Sheffield University, Sheffield, S3 7HF, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Separation Science: Applications in Clinical Biochemistry Event dates: 13 March 2009<br/>Event summary: A joint meeting of UUֱ of Chemistry, Chromatography & Electrophoresis Group and ACB Southern Region to Mark the Official Retirement of Dr CK Lim<br/>Event Venue: Guy’s Hospital, London, SE1 9RT, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event GC & GC-MS Training Course Event dates: 13 March 2009<br/>Event summary: 1-day GCxGC Hands-On course – practical tips, theory & GC Image software navigation. Analysts benefit from the hands-on nature of this course.<br/>Event Venue: Brussels, Belgium Non UUֱ event Science and Engineering Week Lecture Demonstration Event dates: 13 March 2009<br/>Event summary: A lecture demonstrating a range of spectacular chemical reactions<br/>Event Venue: Fowey Community College, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event YMN Wine Tasting Event dates: 13 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: The University of Manchester, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event IOMC 2009 Event dates: 14 - 15 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Online, Online Conference, United States Non UUֱ event Protein Purification: Principles & Practice Event dates: 15 - 20 March 2009<br/>Event summary: A 5 ½ day hands-on laboratory course in which participants will learn skills to effectively design separation and purification strategies for downstream processing. This course uses the remarkable G<br/>Event Venue: Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, United States Non UUֱ event 4th Anglo-Swedish Medicinal Chemistry Symposium Event dates: 15 - 18 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This conference is the 4th symposium organized jointly between the Medicinal Chemistry Section of the Swedish Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Sector of <br/>Event Venue: AstraZeneca R&D, Lund, Sweden Non UUֱ event Cairo International Conference on Energy and Environment Event dates: 15 - 18 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The conference addresses issues connected with the interaction between energy, development and environment. The main objectives are: To discuss the integrated analyses of the impact of new and re<br/>Event Venue: Hughada, Egypt, Egypt Non UUֱ event BIO-Europe Spring® 2009 Event dates: 16 - 18 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The conference annually attracts the international “who’s who” from bio¬tech, pharma and finance for three days of high caliber networking.<br/>Event Venue: Milano Convention Centre, Italy Non UUֱ event Salt Sellers - the Highs and Lows of Commercialising University Research Event dates: 16 March 2009<br/>Event summary: While room temperature ionic liquids have been of interest for over 20 years, their widespread application to large-scale processes has been precluded mainly by the high cost and environmental compa<br/>Event Venue: UUֱ of Chemistry, London, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event UUֱ Centenary Lecture: Connecting Chemical Reaction Dynamics in Gases and Liquids Event dates: 16 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: University of Sheffield, Sheffield, S3 7HF, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Light: The World's Most Unlikely Construction Material Event dates: 16 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Cardiff University, Cardiff, CF10 3AT, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event CHI’S Quantitative PCR Event dates: 16 - 17 March 2009<br/>Event summary: PCR’s sensitivity, specificity, and simplicity has revolutionized molecular biology in basic, industrial, and clinical settings. Technologies abound including quantitative PCR (qPCR), multiplex qPC<br/>Event Venue: Hilton San Diego Resort, United States Non UUֱ event CHI’S Comprehending Copy Number Variation Event dates: 16 - 17 March 2009<br/>Event summary: All agree that copy number variation (CNV) contributes substantially to human genetic diversity. But to what extent? The resulting applications of newly developed whole-genome scanning technologies <br/>Event Venue: Hilton San Diego Resort, United States Non UUֱ event The Identification and Application of the Fluorinase, a C-F Bond Forming Enzyme Event dates: 17 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event UUֱ Lecture: Advancing Synthetic Organic Methods by Interfacing with Inorganic Intelligence Event dates: 17 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Bangor University, Gwynedd, Bangor, LL57 2UW, United Kingdom UUֱ event Cafe Scientifique: Nuclear Energy - Within the Wider Context of Sustainability Event dates: 17 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Dr Richard Pike; Nuclear Energy - Within the Wider Context of Sustainability<br/>Event Venue: Arc, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 1LL, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Molecules of Murder Event dates: 17 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Author John Emsley will be giving a talk based on his book recently published by the UUֱ.<br/>Event Venue: University of Reading, Reading, RG6 1HY, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Annual General Meeting followed by a Wine Tasting Event dates: 17 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Preston College, Fulwood Campus, Preston, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event CANCELLED: Jonathan's Flash Bang Show Event dates: 17 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Demonstration lecture for Year 9/10 pupils<br/>Event Venue: University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Chemistry for Non-Specialists KS4 Event dates: 17 - 18 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This 4 day course is aimed at raising confidence and expertise in teaching Chemistry amongst non-specialist school science teachers.<br/>Event Venue: Science Learning Centre West Midlands, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Process Analytical Technology (PAT) in Organic Process R&D Event dates: 17 - 18 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This Conference is dedicated to process chemistry and organic synthesis with an emphasis on the science and technology associated with the synthesis and manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredie<br/>Event Venue: Brussels, Belgium Non UUֱ event Effective Information Retrieval - Literature & Patent Searching for Chemists Event dates: 17 - 18 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This course is aimed at the synthetic chemists working in both medicinal/discovery chemistry and process chemistry and will be taught by experienced organic chemists and professional information spe<br/>Event Venue: London, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Analytical Chemistry for Sustainable Development - ACSD 2010 Event dates: 17 - 19 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The symposium aims at bringing together researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of Analyti<br/>Event Venue: Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of Mohammedia, Mohammedia, 20800, Morocco Non UUֱ event CHI’S Next-Generation Sequencing Event dates: 18 - 19 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Next-generation sequencing is driving growth within the basic and biomedical research community as rapidly as the bases are being sequenced. All agree however, with the implementation of any new t<br/>Event Venue: Hilton San Diego Resort, San Diego, CA, United States Non UUֱ event CHI’S The Challenge of Antibacterial Drug Development Event dates: 18 - 19 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Resistant bacterial strains are becoming an increasing challenge for the pharmaceutical industry. There is a growing need to develop novel defense mechanisms and novel strategies to treat bacterial <br/>Event Venue: Hilton San Diego Resort, United States Non UUֱ event Secrets of Batch Process Scale-Up Event dates: 18 - 20 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Operating a commercially viable chemical process requires a good chemical synthesis to start with, but is also subject to the interplay of a myriad of important physical phenomena, traditionally the<br/>Event Venue: San Diego, United States Non UUֱ event UUֱ Centenary Lectureship: Connecting Chemical Reaction Dynamics in Gases and Liquids Event dates: 18 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Durham University, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Half-day symposium: Synthetic Chemistry for Synthetic Biology. Is This the Path to Take? Event dates: 18 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: University of Leicester, Leicester, LE1 9HN, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Fuel from the Pond Event dates: 18 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Bioenergy from Algae<br/>Event Venue: The University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, HD13DH, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Combating Counterfeiting ? Current Status of the New Technologies and Raising Public Awareness Event dates: 18 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Global trade arrangements and internet sales are dramatically changing the worldwide market in medicines, favouring an increase in counterfeiting activities. The event will review the anti-cou<br/>Event Venue: Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, London, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event UUֱ Lake District Creamery lecture and tour Event dates: 18 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The Lakes creamery based at Aspatria claims that "Cheese making is as much an art as it is a science". Do you think so? We will have a tour of the lakes creamery in Aspatria to find out more about c<br/>Event Venue: The Lake District Creamery, Cumbria, CA7 2AR, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event CANCELLED: How Green is our Valley? Event dates: 18 March 2009<br/>Event summary: STOP PRESS – THIS MEETING HAS HAD TO BE CANCELLED BECAUSE THE SPEAKER IS UNAVAILABLE. Forth Valley - a major tourist attraction and an industrialised area. A look at some of the successes and failu<br/>Event Venue: Royal Lodge Hotel, STIRLING, FK9 4HG, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Protecting the Environment Event dates: 18 March 2009<br/>Event summary: A look at the work of SEPA whose remit is to protect the environment in Scotland so that future generations can enjoy what we often take for granted.<br/>Event Venue: Forth Valley College, Falkirk Campus, FALKIRK, FK2 9AD, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Virology Event dates: 18 - 21 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Main topics • Neurovirology • Immunology • Virus Infections • Viral Zoonoses<br/>Event Venue: University of Leipzig, Carl-Ludwig-Institut, Germany Non UUֱ event Polymorphism & Crystallisation Event dates: 19 - 20 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This 2 day conference focuses on case studies from process chemists and engineers on chemical development issues which impact the ability to routinely manufacture chosen crystalline forms. Experts i<br/>Event Venue: Brussels, Belgium UUֱ event UUֱ Tilden Lecture: Catalytic routes to rings, chains and macromolecules based on inorganic elements Event dates: 19 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Human Capital Management Symposium Event dates: 19 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Relevante’s Human Capital Management Symposium will be focusing on the below mentioned topics: • Has Your Career Stalled? • Social Media, Internet 2.0, for Recruiting • The Missing Link: Me<br/>Event Venue: The Conference Center at Penn State Great Valley, Malvern, 19355, United States Non UUֱ event Family Evening: Chemical Magic Event dates: 19 March 2009<br/>Event summary: An entertaining demonstration lecture by Dr Ray Plevey and Mrs Rosemary Plevey. The lecture will be followed by a buffet supper for which there is a nominal charge of £2 per head. Prior booking<br/>Event Venue: University of Sheffield, Sheffield, S3 7HF, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event East Midlands Section AGM Event dates: 19 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Tickets are not required for this event but Members and Guests should register their attendance with Dr. David Worrall, for catering purposes.<br/>Event Venue: Loughborough University, Loughborough, LE11 3TU, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event UUֱ Centenary Lectureship: Connecting Chemical Reaction Dynamics in Gases and Liquids Event dates: 20 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Industrial Chemistry in Education Event dates: 20 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The aim of the day will be demonstrate to chemistry teachers of all levels new ways to inspire students about the way the chemistry they learn at school interfaces with its application to industry a<br/>Event Venue: The Marriott Tudor Park Hotel & Country Club, Maidstone, ME14 4NQ, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Biotechnology Clinical Trials Outsourcing Event dates: 20 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Finding Solutions to Challenges Faced by Smaller Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies Successful outsourcing of clinical drug development activities is critical to smaller companies who typic<br/>Event Venue: Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport, Burlingame, 94010, United States Non UUֱ event Organometallic Chemistry, Past and Present Event dates: 20 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This one-day meeting surveys the historical background to the remarkable development of organometallic chemistry to its modern form as a discipline linking inorganic, organic and catalytic chemistry<br/>Event Venue: UUֱ of Chemistry, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event From menace to marvel: Nitric oxide in health and disease Event dates: 20 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Nitric oxide (NO), generated by the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS) plays a key role in a diverse range of physiological and pathophysiological conditions within the cardiovascular, immune, repro<br/>Event Venue: BioPark Hertfordshire, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 3AX, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Perspectives in Stem Cell Proteomics Conference Event dates: 22 - 23 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Focussing on the current status of proteomics in stem cell research - from new technology to its potential in the understanding of developmental biology.<br/>Event Venue: Wellcome Trust Conference Centre, Cambridge, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Cell Death Pathways (X5) Event dates: 22 - 27 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: TELUS Whistler Conference Centre, British Columbia, United States Non UUֱ event BTS Annual Congress 2009 Event dates: 22 - 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Annual conference of the British Toxicology Society<br/>Event Venue: University of Warwick, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event 21st Annual EuroMeeting Event dates: 23 - 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The Drug Information Association’s Annual EuroMeeting is global in scope, attracting well over 3,000 professionals from over 50 countries. It brings together professionals from the biopharmaceutical<br/>Event Venue: Internationales Congress Centrum, Berlin, 14055, Germany Non UUֱ event Targeting Metabolic Disease Event dates: 23 - 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: IBC’s 7th Annual Targeting Metabolic Disorders offers industry research scientists in depth science and technology solutions to enable the development of safe and effective obesity and diabetes ther<br/>Event Venue: Courtyard Boston Downtown Tremont Hotel, Boston, MA, United States Non UUֱ event Discovery 2009 Event dates: 23 - 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: In its ninth year running, the exclusive Discovery Summit 2009 presents a unique opportunity to examine the challenges and advances in drug discovery. Within the luxurious surroundings of the five s<br/>Event Venue: Le Méridien Beach Plaza, Monte-Carlo, Monaco Non UUֱ event Taibah International Chemical Conference - 2009 Event dates: 23 - 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: TICC-2009 will provide opportunities for academics, researchers and industrialists to interact, exchange ideas, discuss the contemporary research topics. Special sessions will focus on the recent ad<br/>Event Venue: Taibah University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia Non UUֱ event Spring School in Colloid Science 2009 Event dates: 23 - 27 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The aim of the course is to provide a broad-based, but detailed introduction to colloids and an overview of some theoretical developments and experimental advances. The course will provide an exce<br/>Event Venue: University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TS, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Palm Oil - The Sustainable 21st Century Oil Event dates: 23 - 24 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Indonesia and Malaysia dominate production of palm oil and have done much to make the oil so important, but have also come under criticism for destruction of tropical rain forest. With world populat<br/>Event Venue: The UUֱ, London, SW1Y 5AG, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Protein Structure for Drug Discovery (4-day course) Event dates: 23 - 26 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Designed with industry for those wishing to move into structural biology or those working closely with structural biologists – including medicinal chemists.<br/>Event Venue: Birkbeck, University of London, London, WC1E 7HX, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Protein Structure for Drug Discovery Event dates: 23 - 26 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Designed for those managing or working closely with Structural Biologists, including Medicinal Chemists or individuals who wish to move into Structural Biology. Key topics covered: Protein Expressio<br/>Event Venue: Birkbeck, University of London, London, WC1E 7HX, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event UUֱ Centenary Lectureship: Connecting Chemical Reaction Dynamics in Gases and Liquids Event dates: 23 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TS, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event CHI’S Microrna in Human Disease and Development Event dates: 23 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Although microRNAs were brought into the spotlight only recently, their role in regulating mammalian development and disease has become clear. miRNAs represent a novel class of targets for therapeut<br/>Event Venue: Seaport Hotel, Boston, MA, United States Non UUֱ event Building Materials Analysis workshop Event dates: 24 - 26 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Aimed at professionals, graduate scientists and engineers working in the cement industry. The workshop focuses primarily on X-ray methods, with special emphasis on the use of these methods for clink<br/>Event Venue: University of Halle, Germany Non UUֱ event Spectroscopic methods for water analysis Event dates: 24 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This meeting will consider recent advances in spectroscopic methods for the analysis of water samples . Work being undertaken in Europe as well as Great Britain will be reported. Issuses such as fit<br/>Event Venue: The Council House, City of Birmingham, B1 1BB, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event ChemNet lecture at the National Space Centre Event dates: 24 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Lecture on atmospheric chemistry from Prof Paul Monks, University of Leicester<br/>Event Venue: The National Space Centre, Leicester, LE4 5NS, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Essential Biology for Medicinal Chemists Event dates: 24 - 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This course is for Medicinal Chemists and Project Managers who wish to gain an improved feel for drug discovery biology. The biological world is immense and therefore the course drills down to provi<br/>Event Venue: Basel, Switzerland Non UUֱ event Chemistry for Non-Specialists KS3/4 Event dates: 24 - 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This 4 day course is aimed at raising confidence and expertise in teaching Chemistry amongst non-specialist school science teachers.<br/>Event Venue: The Ridgeway School, Wiltshire, SN4 9DJ, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Capturing Colloids Event dates: 24 - 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The Joint Committee of the UUֱ/SCI Colloid Groups and the Royal Microscopy Society have joined together to host the Capturing Colloids Meeting. This two day meeting will bring together a wide commun<br/>Event Venue: Brittania Hotel, Manchester, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Chemical Sciences Scotland Inaugural Conference & Dinner Event dates: 24 - 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Chemical Sciences Scotland - a unique partnership of industry, academia and government agencies – will host its inaugural Conference Working Together, Sharing the Benefits on 24th (networking dinner<br/>Event Venue: Dunblane Hydro, Dunblane, FK15 0HG, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event ChemNet Visit to ALcontrol Event dates: 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Visit to labs of this environmental and food testing company.<br/>Event Venue: ALcontrol Laboratories, Chester, CH5 3US, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event How to carry out fit for purpose on site water testing Event dates: 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This seminar will provide information on the development and issues arising from the revision of BS 1427 Guide on site test methods for the analysis of waters with respect to the monitoring of chem<br/>Event Venue: SCI, London, SW1X 8PS, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event POSTPONED - UUֱ invited lecture - Event dates: 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Unfortunately, this lecture has had to be postponed until 2009-2010.<br/>Event Venue: University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G1 1XL, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Advances in Modelling for Formulations Event dates: 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The Formulation Science and Technology Group from the UUֱ of Chemistry is organising this meeting to help the formulation community to identify the main advances in modelling for formula<br/>Event Venue: GSK Weybridge, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event AGM and Dinner Event dates: 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: AGM at 19.00hrs Guests for Dinner only please arrive for 19.20.<br/>Event Venue: Bradleys Restaurant, Huddersfield, HD15BB, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event UUֱ Centenary Lectureship: Connecting Chemical Reaction Dynamics in Gases and Liquids Event dates: 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event From amino acids to heteroaromatics: Biosynthesis inspired routes to heterocyclic natural products Event dates: 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The UUֱ Pedler Lecuture 2009<br/>Event Venue: University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Members' Spring Lunch Event dates: 25 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: South Lodge Hotel, Chelmsford, CM2 0AR, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event GC & GC-MS Training Course Event dates: 25 - 26 March 2009<br/>Event summary: 2-day Practical Essentials of GC & GC-MS for sales, marketing and service engineers<br/>Event Venue: Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event CANCELLED: Chemistry for Non-Specialists KS3/4 Event dates: 25 - 26 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This 4 day course is aimed at raising confidence and expertise in teaching Chemistry amongst non-specialist school science teachers.<br/>Event Venue: Science Learning Centre North East, Durham, DH1 5BZ, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Sustainability 2012: Shaping an Environmental Legacy for World Cities Event dates: 25 - 27 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Our aim is to provide a forum for the world's leading academia to discuss and bring together the best practices learnt from experience, and to grow policies that can be used to advantage in the deve<br/>Event Venue: Conference - CCT Venue, London, E14 9SG, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event FULL: Chemistry for Non-Specialists KS4 Event dates: 26 - 27 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This 4 day course is aimed at raising confidence and expertise in teaching Chemistry amongst non-specialist school science teachers.<br/>Event Venue: Great Barr School, Birmingham, B44 8NU, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event 4th International Conference on Information Warfare and Security Event dates: 26 - 27 March 2009<br/>Event summary: submissions of papers on both the theory and practice of all aspects of Information Warfare and Security.<br/>Event Venue: Graduate School of Business, Cape Town, South Africa Non UUֱ event Bionanotechnologies Event dates: 26 - 27 March 2009<br/>Event summary: In addition to considering fundamental biophysical questions, the meeting will provide a forum to review the wealth of potential applications, such as: new routes to the development of medical devi<br/>Event Venue: Durham University, Durham, DH1 3LG, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Essex School Lecture - Fun with Chemistry Event dates: 26 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Pub Quiz Event dates: 26 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Each team should have no more than 6 people. The pub quiz is based on quite a few rounds of various topics. A joker round is available and a running score board will be kept! Entry Fee £2 per person<br/>Event Venue: The Rising Sun, Sheffield, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Taking the Pain out of Drug Discovery 2009 Event dates: 26 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Taking the Pain Out of Drug Discovery is a one-day symposium that will assess the status of the pain therapeutic area and provide insights into possible future therapies from ongoing research progra<br/>Event Venue: SCI, London, SW1X 8PX, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event UUֱ/BA/SCI Lecture: How a Volcano Works Event dates: 26 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Monitoring volcanoes and developing new theories will lead to improvements in the ability of scientists to assess risks and give advice.<br/>Event Venue: University of Bristol, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event ChemNet visit to Technical Fibre Products Event dates: 26 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Technical Fibre Products, Kendal, LA9 6PZ, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event ChemNet Visit to ALcontrol, Rotherham Event dates: 26 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Visit to labs of this environmental and food testing company.<br/>Event Venue: ALcontrol Laboratories, Rotherham, S60 1BZ, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event A Bigger Belgian Bang Event dates: 27 March 2009<br/>Event summary: UUֱ Belgium welcomes back Dr. Hal Sosabowski for another exciting and explosive demonstration lecture. This time we are at the University in Louvain to concide with the 'Printemps des Sciences' week<br/>Event Venue: Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1348, Belgium Non UUֱ event Identifying T Cell Subset Phenotype and Function in parasite infections Event dates: 27 March 2009<br/>Event summary: "A revolution in the basic understanding of immunology occurred in the late 1980s with the discovery that CD4+ helper T cells were not a homogeneous population but could be divided into Th1 and Th2 <br/>Event Venue: BioPark Hertfordshire, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 3AX, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Kent Section AGM: The Creative World of Perfumery Event dates: 27 March 2009<br/>Event summary: AGM of Kent Section with presentation on by Mike Smith, Executive Perfumer, Givaudan. Buffet supper included.<br/>Event Venue: Givaudan UK Ltd, Ashford, TN24 0LT, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Prize Winning Research in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Event dates: 27 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Featuring five UUֱ award winners<br/>Event Venue: University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event The 9th European Gasification Conference Event dates: 27 - 28 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The 9th European Gasification Conference returns to Germany in March with the chemical engineering community and IChemE (Institution of Chemical Engineers) backing the technology. The 9th Europea<br/>Event Venue: The Hilton Hotel Dusseldforf, Duesseldorf, Germany Non UUֱ event Electrochemical aspects of mass spectrometry for proteomics Event dates: 30 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Helsinki, Finland Non UUֱ event BioreFuture 2009 Event dates: 30 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Free workshop to disseminate and discuss new research into biorefining, linking technological concepts, techno-economic modelling and policy research.<br/>Event Venue: Committee of the Regions, Brussels, 1040, Belgium Non UUֱ event Teachers' Seminar Event dates: 30 March 2009<br/>Event summary: <br/>Event Venue: Brentwood School, Brentwood, CM15 8AS, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Ocular Angiogenesis Event dates: 30 - 31 March 2009<br/>Event summary: IBC’s 5th International Conference on Ocular Angiogenesis and Retinal Degeneration will provide up-to-the-minute information on therapeutic development for ocular disease including research that tar<br/>Event Venue: Green Valley Ranch, Las Vegas, NV, United States Non UUֱ event Student Chemical Society (Alchemy) Quiz Night Event dates: 31 March 2009<br/>Event summary: CHANGE OF DATE FROM 3 APRIL Pit your wits against all comers (including UEA students) in this light-hearted pub style quiz.<br/>Event Venue: University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event Coatings and Textiles: Keeping the bugs at bay Event dates: 31 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This 1/2 day seminar sets out to define and identify harmful bacteria and the various anti-microbial technologies developed for use in coatings and textiles.<br/>Event Venue: Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, NG11 8NS, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event McBain Medal Lecture 2009 Soft Interfaces - From Molecular Event dates: 31 March 2009<br/>Event summary: This one day meeting, which will incorporate the award of the McBain medal to Dr Fernando Bresme of Imperial College. A mixed programme of modelling and experimental work will be presented. The McB<br/>Event Venue: SCI, London, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event McBain Medal Lecture: Soft Interfaces - From Molecular Interactions to Industrial Products Event dates: 31 March 2009<br/>Event summary: The McBain Medal is an award given to honour a younger scientist who has made a meritorious contribution to colloid & interface science. This one day meeting will incorporate the award of the Mc<br/>Event Venue: SCI, London, SW1X 8PS, United Kingdom Non UUֱ event ChemNet Meets Sheffield Uni ChemSoc Event dates: 31 March 2009<br/>Event summary: Talks on careers in chemistry adn teh chance to meet undergraduates and postgraduates from Shefiield University ChemSoc.<br/>Event Venue: Sheffield University, Sheffield, S3 7HF, United Kingdom