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UUÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ of Chemistry Professional Registration Workshop
17 February 2020 10:30-14:30, London, United Kingdom
Being professionally registered demonstrates that you have achieved a level of knowledge and experience that government can rely upon and is recognised by the wider work force. It highlights the value and commitment you place on your own personal development.
The free workshop is for anyone considering starting an application or who has already started. It is also a chance for you to ask any questions you may have regarding the registration process in general.
We will be guiding attendees through the application process for registration as well as looking at:
eligibility for Chartered Chemist, Chartered Scientist, Registered Scientist or Registered Science Technician
equivalence reports
overview of the competencies
supporters and mentors
Two sessions will run:
Session 1: 10:30 - 12:00
Session 2: 13:00 - 14:30
If you would like to attend, please email cchem@rsc.org, with details of which session you would like and which government department or agency you are based in.
Institute of Physics
Institute of Physics, IOP, 37 Caledonian Road, London, N1 9BU, United Kingdom
Contact information
Jonelle Harvey
UUÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ of Chemistry
+44 (0) 1223 432141
Contact us by email