Cell surface transporters play a key role in human health and disease, both through their impact on drug disposition and as therapeutic targets in their own right. This third meeting in the series will feature talks on transporter structural biology, the impact of transporters on ADME and biodistribution, transporters as therapeutic targets and other aspects of transporters relevant to drug discovery and development.
Organised by SCI’s Fine Chemicals group, UUÂãÁÄÖ±²¥â€™s Biological & Medicinal Chemistry Sector & the Drug Metabolism Discussion Group (DMDG)
Organised by SCI’s Fine Chemicals group, UUÂãÁÄÖ±²¥â€™s Biological & Medicinal Chemistry Sector & the Drug Metabolism Discussion Group (DMDG)
- PBPK of transporter-mediated hepatic disposition using the imaging biomarker gadoxetate – Daniel Scotcher, University of Manchester, UK
- Transporter PBPK modelling and DDI – Venkatesh Reddy, AstraZeneca, UK
- Heteromeric amino acid transporters: disease and structure – Manuel Palacin, Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Spain
- Structural insight into substrate and inhibitor interactions with human multi-drug transporters ABCB1 and ABCG2 – Kaspar Locher, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Malarial Transporters – Jeremy Burrows, Medicines for Malaria Venture, Switzerland
- Calculation of an In Vitro Apical Efflux Ratio from P-glycoprotein (P-gp) - Impact on Screening and Compound Optimization – Carina Cantrill, Roche, Switzerland
- Plenary Address: Genomics of Transporters: Informing drug development – Kathy Giacomini, UCSF, USA