Public Analyst Service: “Food Crime” - Ms Jane White, Glasgow Scientific Services.
Persistent Organic Pollutants in Food and the Environment - Dr Martin Rose, FERA.
Adulteration of Food, an Historical Perspective - Mike Saltmarsh, Inglehurst Foods.
Arsenic Species in Rice Products - Dr Eva Krupp, University of Aberdeen.
Toxicological Assessment Of Endocrine Disrupting Food Contaminants - Dr Lisa Connolly, Queens University, Belfast.
Keynote:-Food Safety, Challenges Present and Future - Dr Diane Benford, Food Standards Agency.
Early Bird registration: £40 UUֱ members / £60 non-members / £20 retired
Member discount available to public analysts, local authorities and BTS members - contact Kate Jones (kate.jones@hsl.gsi.gov.uk)
Public Analyst Service: “Food Crime” - Ms Jane White, Glasgow Scientific Services.
Persistent Organic Pollutants in Food and the Environment - Dr Martin Rose, FERA.
Adulteration of Food, an Historical Perspective - Mike Saltmarsh, Inglehurst Foods.
Arsenic Species in Rice Products - Dr Eva Krupp, University of Aberdeen.
Toxicological Assessment Of Endocrine Disrupting Food Contaminants - Dr Lisa Connolly, Queens University, Belfast.
Keynote:-Food Safety, Challenges Present and Future - Dr Diane Benford, Food Standards Agency.
Early Bird registration: £40 UUֱ members / £60 non-members / £20 retired
Member discount available to public analysts, local authorities and BTS members - contact Kate Jones (kate.jones@hsl.gsi.gov.uk)